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The participants in our studies consist of parent and child volunteers who graciously offer their time and assistance. A session takes about 20-45 minutes and is arranged at a time that is convenient for you. Our researchers are committed to making your visit a pleasant and fun learning experience.
To participate, please contact a lab coordinator, and we'll get right back to you.

Contact a lab coordinator
Participate in our studies
Current online studies:

Help us learn about how children make decisions about quantities, like numbers and money -- all from the comfort of your own home.
Current in-person studies:
We hope to see you again soon, in-person!
How long does a session usually take?For both online and in-person studies, a session will last between 20-45 minutes. (For younger children we tend to stay under 30 minutes!)
When do you run your sessions?We are here all year long, Monday to Friday 8:00am-8:00pm. We know that parents are very busy, so we like to keep our schedules as flexible as possible. We even run studies on the weekends, too!
For in-person studies, where do I park?"Every time you participate in a study, we will have a parking spot specifically reserved for you, right outside our building.
For in-person studies, can I bring my other children to the lab?"Of course! We always have multiple well-trained volunteers and research assistants on staff to baby-sit during studies. Our lab is equipped with a child-friendly waiting area filled with toys, games and other activities. So, while one sibling is participating in a study, another will be supervised and well entertained. Also, there are multiple labs in the Developmental Area that run studies for a large range of ages (up to 18 years). All children in your family may be able to participate in studies, either all at once or separately. Contact us for more details.
Will I learn whether my child is developing normally?All of our studies look at the performance of a large group of children and compare the average performance at different ages or under different conditions. We do not provide individual assessments or evaluations of infants and children. If you are concerned about your child’s development, please speak to your pediatrician.
Where are you located?We are located on the beautiful Queen’s University Campus in Craine/Humphrey Hall (Psychology Building). Click here for a map.
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